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Financial uncertainty is a fact of life. Watching your savings dwindle doesn’t have to be.

The good news is, there’s always something working to generate cash in any kind of market. And Kiplinger Investing for Income can show you how to generate inflation-beating cash yields right now — as well as in the future — no matter which way the economy goes from here.

Kiplinger Investing for Income is for people who need spendable income. Every issue is bursting with proven ways to boost your cash payout. For example:

  • You'll see how to safely invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs) that reliably yield more than 4%.
  • If you’re in the top tax bracket, don’t miss our guidance on easy-to-buy municipal bonds with a taxable equivalent yield of 6%.
  • We highlight pipelines, both partnerships and regular corporations, yielding 5% and up charging tolls for carrying gas and oil. Many raise dividends several times a year.
  • You’ll discover why oil and gas should be a permanent core part of any income portfolio. Refineries, distributors, and producers currently pay high dividends and are a hedge against high fuel prices. Some are partnerships, but there are also funds, stocks, and a few bonds. We’ll share the best of each with you.
  • We reveal safe, reliable cash-generating corporate, municipal, and institutional bonds that are ripe for the picking, and explain why dividends on hundreds of stocks will remain safe and dependable despite the economic upheaval.

What’s more, Kiplinger Investing for Income gives you four Model Portfolios to suit a variety of investment needs and preferences: Tax-Exempt Income, Maximum Current Cash, Dividend-a-Month, and Juiced-Up Cash.

In addition, you get the Kiplinger 25 collection of top income-producing investments featured in every issue. Along with the Model Portfolios, you’ll always have steady access to the latest strategies to boost your investment income, safely and reliably, under any market conditions.

See for yourself. Take a look at your free sample issue. Then take advantage of this special offer to get a FREE special report, and subscribe at the low introductory rate.

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There’s absolutely no risk to you. If Kiplinger Investing for Income doesn’t help you generate far more income in the next 12 months than you paid to try it, simply cancel your subscription and request a 100% refund for your current subscription term. No questions asked.

Start putting this practical cash-generating help to work for you today at no obligation. Simply click here for your a free sample issue, no information required from you.

Then, to keep profiting from Kiplinger Investing for Income in the year ahead, take advantage of this special offer to get a FREE special report and subscribe at the low introductory rate.

There's absolutely no risk to you. But as you can see, the chance for gain is very great indeed.