The Kiplinger Letter

If you want to grow your business and investments, you need to know what’s going to happen in business, the economy, and financial markets before it happens.

That's why The Kiplinger Letter doesn't report news. Instead, it anticipates and forecasts future business and economic developments, giving you valuable time to plan ahead.

Think of the weekly Letter as your personal business consultant, delivering insight and analysis on everything from how the economy will perform this year, to disruptive technologies on the horizon, to potential investment opportunities you should consider, or avoid.

But there’s another critical quality that distinguishes The Kiplinger Letter from other media sources.


You hear a lot these days about fake news, disinformation, and supposed experts who spout their personal opinions as fact. You won't find any of that in the Letter.

We know Kiplinger readers don't want our opinions. You want reliable, objective judgments to help make profitable decisions for your businesses and investments.

So we simply do the research and analyze the facts. Then we report what the research and analysis tell us is likely to happen, not what we want to happen. And that's why the Letter has stayed in business for more than 100 years.

Each weekly issue covers a wide range of topics in just four pages. All written in a style that saves you time by being concise and easy to read.

A team of seasoned reporters and editors specialize in different subject areas. They uncover emerging trends and foresee future developments that will affect the economy, financial markets, specific industries, and ultimately, your business, investments and financial affairs.

We seek out informed sources — economists, business leaders, members of Congress, knowledgeable experts in many fields — to get their views. We do not quote them or name them, so they speak freely and give us their honest opinions, devoid of spin.

We rigorously parse what they tell us, compare it with what other sources tell us, and arrive at our own conclusions after much internal debate. Everything we write gets fact-checked, copyedited and polished before it leaves the editor's desk.

It's a laborious process, but it yields crisp, concise judgments for you. You get straightforward analyses and advice to help you make more profitable business and financial decisions.

I'm confident that by helping you plan for what lies ahead, The Kiplinger Letter will help you make or save far more money than the nominal cost to subscribe.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Click any of the links on this page to download a free issue, and see for yourself. No information is required from you.

Then take advantage of a special New Subscriber offer to get 52 weekly issues, plus 12 free monthly issues of Kiplinger Personal Finance Adviser, at generous savings off the cover price.

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Download your free issue now. There's absolutely no risk to you. But as you will see, the chance for gain is very great indeed.

To your business and financial success,
Jim Patterson signature
James B. Patterson, Managing Editor
The Kiplinger Letter

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